//Name Arslan ud Din Shafiq
//Reg.No. DDP-SP14-BSE-005
//Section A
//Assignment # 3
//Submitted to Sir A.K.Shahid
//COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
#include<stdio.h> //hearder file for I/O
char a[3][3]={0},i,j; //a 2D array of 3X3 is globally declared and initialized to zero so that it doesn't give any junk value, variable i and j are also globally declared. They are declared globally so that they can be used throughout the program.
void header(); //prototype of header funtion
void name(char *pt1,char *pt2); //prototype of name function
void filled(); //prototype of filled funtion
int condition1(); //prototype of condition1 funtion
int condition2(); //prototype of condition2 funtion
int win1(); //prototype of win1 funtion
int win2(); //prototype of win2 funtion
void toe(); //prototype of toe funtion
void print1(); //prototype of print1 funtion
void design(); //prototype of design funtion
void gameloading(); //prototype of gameloading funtion
struct std //data structure is declared as std
int ch; //object of data structure
char s1[100],s2[100]; //character type object declaration in data structure
int main() //main funtion
int menu; //declaring menu variable
header(); //calling header funtion
system("pause"); //to pause screen
again: //pointing for goto statement
gameloading(); //loading funtion is called
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t1. Start Game\n\n\t\t\t2. Exit \n\t\t\t");
menu=getche()-48; //getting integer value from user
system("cls"); //clearing screen
switch(menu) //switch selection statement is applied on menu
case 1: //first case for selection statement
if(menu==1) //if user press 1 then game is started
design(); //design() funtion is called
break; //break statement for case 1
case 2:
if(menu==2) //if user select 2 then game is exited
return 0; //terminating condition
default: //if user select any option except 1 and 2 then default condition is performed
printf("\n\n\nYou have Selected Wrong Option.");
system("pause"); //pausing screen
system("cls"); //clearing screen
goto again; //if default condition is performed this statement goes to again pointing value.
void header() //a function which does not return any value used to show header file in main function
printf("\n\t\t\t TIC TAC TOE"); //printf statement is used for printing & \n for next line and \t for tab or space
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\tBUILT AND DESIGNED BY >> ARSLAN UD DIN SHAFIQ\n\n\t\tWebsite>>\twww.CWorldbyAS.blogspot.com\n");
printf("\n\t\tCOMSATS Institute of Information Technology,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t Lahore , Pakistan\n\n\n");
void name(char *pt1,char *pt2) //pointer funtion which gets the name of user and pass the address where it called
puts("\n\n\t\t\tEnter Name of Player 1 : "); //asking player 1 to enter name ...puts is used to print string
gets(pt1); //gets is used to get the string from user
puts("\n\n\t\t\tEnter Name of Player 2 : "); //asking player 2 to enter name
gets(pt2); //getting name of 2nd player
void filled() //a function which tell us about the already filled box
condition1(); //it checks the conditions given in funtion condition1() and decrement of i-- is used to identify is the box already filled
printf("\n\n\n\nOooOpppss This Block is already filled....!!!\n\n\n\n\n"); //this line is printed if the box is already filled
system("pause"); // system pasuse is the system function which is used for a pause and to continue it requires pressing of any key
system("cls"); //this is also a system function which is used for clearing screen
int condition1() //a funtion which return integer value if any of the given condition is true...THIS CONDITION IS FOR PLAYER 1
if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[0][1]=='X' && a[0][2]=='X' || a[1][0]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[1][2]=='X' || a[2][0]=='X' && a[2][1]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X' ) //this condition checks all the horizontal rows values one by one and returns 1 if condition is true for any horizontal row
return 1;
else if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[1][0]=='X' && a[2][0]=='X' || a[0][1]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][1]=='X' || a[0][2]=='X' && a[1][2]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X' ) //this condition checks all the vertical column values one by one and returns 1 if condition is true for any column row
return 1;
else if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X') //this condition checks the principle diagonal values and returns 1 if condition is true. AND operator is used because all conditions in that statement should be true in order to return 1
return 1;
else if ( a[0][2]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][0]=='X') //this condition checks the values in diagonal boxes
return 1; //it the above statement is true it returns value 1
int condition2() //a funtion which return integer value if any of the given condition is true...THIS CONDITION IS FOR PLAYER 2
if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[0][1]=='O' && a[0][2]=='O' || a[1][0]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[1][2]=='O' || a[2][0]=='O' && a[2][1]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O' ) //this condition checks all the horizontal rows values one by one and returns 2 if condition is true for any horizontal row
return 2;
else if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[1][0]=='O' && a[2][0]=='O' || a[0][1]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][1]=='O' || a[0][2]=='O' && a[1][2]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O' ) //this condition checks all the vertical column values one by one and returns 2 if condition is true for any column row
return 2;
else if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O') //this condition checks the principle diagonal values and returns 2 if condition is true. AND operator is used because all conditions in that statement should be true in order to return 2
return 2;
else if ( a[0][2]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][0]=='O') //this condition checks the values in diagonal boxes
return 2; //it the above statement is true it returns value 2
int win1() //a funtion which declares the winning of player 1 and returns 0 if any condition in condition1() is true.
if(condition1()==1) //selection statement used to tets the conidition1() function
printf("\n\n\nCongratulations...!!! Player 1 is the WINNER...!!!\n\n"); //winning declaration printing
return 0;
int win2() //a funtion which declares the winning of player 2 and returns 0 if any condition in condition2() is true.
if(condition2()==2) //selection statement used to tets the conidition2() function
printf("\n\n\nCongratulations...!!! Player 2 is the WINNER...!!!\n\n\n"); //winning declaration printing
return 0;
void toe() //void function used which returns nothing. It is just printed to tell the user about the box number for selection
printf("\n\t\t\t 1 | 2 | 3 \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t 4 | 5 | 6 \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t 7 | 8 | 9 \n\t\t\t | | \n\n\n");
void print1() //a funtion which when user enter the box number print the value in selected box according to the user selection
printf("\a\a\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t | | \n\n\n\a\a",a[0][0],a[0][1],a[0][2],a[1][0],a[1][1],a[1][2],a[2][0],a[2][1],a[2][2]);
void design()
// char *pt1,*pt2; //pointers which gets the address of character and pass it to the s1 and s2
// pt1=st.s1; //assigning the pointer 1 to an array object of data structure
// pt2=st.s2; //assigning the pointer 2 to an array object of data structure
name(st.s1,st.s2); //name function declared above is called here
system("cls"); // screen clearing
for ( i=1 ; i<10 ; i++ ) //simple for loop from 1 to 9
phir: //reference name for goto statement
toe(); //toe funtion made above is called here
if(i%2==1) //selection statement which select the player's turn. if remainder of any value of i and 2 is 1 then it's player one's turn otherwise it's player 2's turn
printf(" %s's Turn : ",st.s1); //if i%2 gives remainder 1 then name of player 1 is used
printf(" %s's Turn : ",st.s2); //if i%2==1 is false then player 2's turn is announced
st.ch = ( getche()-48 ); //this gets an integer input from user in box and print it as character
if ( st.ch<0 || st.ch>9 ) //check condition which checks if value enetered by user is greater than 9 or lesser than zero then next block is printed otherwise next block is skipped
printf("\n\n\nYou have chosen wrong block...!!!\n\n\n"); //if selected box by user is less than 0 and greater than 9 then it prints that the user has choosen wrong box.
system("pause"); //to pause the program
system("cls"); //to clear the screen
goto phir; //goto statement which goes to phir declared above and check all the condition above again
switch(st.ch) //switch selection statement
case 1 : // in switch selection statement we use cases for checking conditions
if(a[0][0]=='X' || a[0][0]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); //print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 1
case 2 : //2nd possibility of value enetered by user
if(a[0][1]=='X' || a[0][1]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 2
case 3 : //3rd possibility of value enetered by user
if(a[0][2]=='X' || a[0][2]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 3
case 4 : //fourth possibility of value enetered by user
if( a[1][0]=='X' || a[1][0]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 4
case 5 : //fifth possibility of value enetered by user
if( a[1][1]=='X' || a[1][1]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 5
case 6 : //sixth possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[1][2]=='X' || a[1][2]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 6
case 7 : //7th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][0]=='X' || a[2][0]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 7
case 8 : //8th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][1]=='X' || a[2][1]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 8
case 9 : //9th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][2]=='X' || a[2][2]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 9
void gameloading()
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
int length_of_loading_bar=0,timer=0; //initializing the length of bar for delay and timer for the speed of delaying
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t GaMe iS LoAdInG..."); //Loading indication
printf("\n\t\t\t ");
for(length_of_loading_bar=0;length_of_loading_bar<20;length_of_loading_bar++) //loop for the horizontal length of bar
for(timer=0;timer<10000000;timer++); //semi colon is used bcoz we don't want to print anything vertically instead we want to count time...here we are using loop as counter
printf("%c",182); //special symbol askey value 182 is used for 19 times printing of special symbol
printf("\n"); //to print on new line
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
//Reg.No. DDP-SP14-BSE-005
//Section A
//Assignment # 3
//Submitted to Sir A.K.Shahid
//COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
#include<stdio.h> //hearder file for I/O
char a[3][3]={0},i,j; //a 2D array of 3X3 is globally declared and initialized to zero so that it doesn't give any junk value, variable i and j are also globally declared. They are declared globally so that they can be used throughout the program.
void header(); //prototype of header funtion
void name(char *pt1,char *pt2); //prototype of name function
void filled(); //prototype of filled funtion
int condition1(); //prototype of condition1 funtion
int condition2(); //prototype of condition2 funtion
int win1(); //prototype of win1 funtion
int win2(); //prototype of win2 funtion
void toe(); //prototype of toe funtion
void print1(); //prototype of print1 funtion
void design(); //prototype of design funtion
void gameloading(); //prototype of gameloading funtion
struct std //data structure is declared as std
int ch; //object of data structure
char s1[100],s2[100]; //character type object declaration in data structure
int main() //main funtion
int menu; //declaring menu variable
header(); //calling header funtion
system("pause"); //to pause screen
again: //pointing for goto statement
gameloading(); //loading funtion is called
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t1. Start Game\n\n\t\t\t2. Exit \n\t\t\t");
menu=getche()-48; //getting integer value from user
system("cls"); //clearing screen
switch(menu) //switch selection statement is applied on menu
case 1: //first case for selection statement
if(menu==1) //if user press 1 then game is started
design(); //design() funtion is called
break; //break statement for case 1
case 2:
if(menu==2) //if user select 2 then game is exited
return 0; //terminating condition
default: //if user select any option except 1 and 2 then default condition is performed
printf("\n\n\nYou have Selected Wrong Option.");
system("pause"); //pausing screen
system("cls"); //clearing screen
goto again; //if default condition is performed this statement goes to again pointing value.
void header() //a function which does not return any value used to show header file in main function
printf("\n\t\t\t TIC TAC TOE"); //printf statement is used for printing & \n for next line and \t for tab or space
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\tBUILT AND DESIGNED BY >> ARSLAN UD DIN SHAFIQ\n\n\t\tWebsite>>\twww.CWorldbyAS.blogspot.com\n");
printf("\n\t\tCOMSATS Institute of Information Technology,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t Lahore , Pakistan\n\n\n");
void name(char *pt1,char *pt2) //pointer funtion which gets the name of user and pass the address where it called
puts("\n\n\t\t\tEnter Name of Player 1 : "); //asking player 1 to enter name ...puts is used to print string
gets(pt1); //gets is used to get the string from user
puts("\n\n\t\t\tEnter Name of Player 2 : "); //asking player 2 to enter name
gets(pt2); //getting name of 2nd player
void filled() //a function which tell us about the already filled box
condition1(); //it checks the conditions given in funtion condition1() and decrement of i-- is used to identify is the box already filled
printf("\n\n\n\nOooOpppss This Block is already filled....!!!\n\n\n\n\n"); //this line is printed if the box is already filled
system("pause"); // system pasuse is the system function which is used for a pause and to continue it requires pressing of any key
system("cls"); //this is also a system function which is used for clearing screen
int condition1() //a funtion which return integer value if any of the given condition is true...THIS CONDITION IS FOR PLAYER 1
if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[0][1]=='X' && a[0][2]=='X' || a[1][0]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[1][2]=='X' || a[2][0]=='X' && a[2][1]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X' ) //this condition checks all the horizontal rows values one by one and returns 1 if condition is true for any horizontal row
return 1;
else if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[1][0]=='X' && a[2][0]=='X' || a[0][1]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][1]=='X' || a[0][2]=='X' && a[1][2]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X' ) //this condition checks all the vertical column values one by one and returns 1 if condition is true for any column row
return 1;
else if ( a[0][0]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][2]=='X') //this condition checks the principle diagonal values and returns 1 if condition is true. AND operator is used because all conditions in that statement should be true in order to return 1
return 1;
else if ( a[0][2]=='X' && a[1][1]=='X' && a[2][0]=='X') //this condition checks the values in diagonal boxes
return 1; //it the above statement is true it returns value 1
int condition2() //a funtion which return integer value if any of the given condition is true...THIS CONDITION IS FOR PLAYER 2
if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[0][1]=='O' && a[0][2]=='O' || a[1][0]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[1][2]=='O' || a[2][0]=='O' && a[2][1]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O' ) //this condition checks all the horizontal rows values one by one and returns 2 if condition is true for any horizontal row
return 2;
else if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[1][0]=='O' && a[2][0]=='O' || a[0][1]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][1]=='O' || a[0][2]=='O' && a[1][2]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O' ) //this condition checks all the vertical column values one by one and returns 2 if condition is true for any column row
return 2;
else if ( a[0][0]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][2]=='O') //this condition checks the principle diagonal values and returns 2 if condition is true. AND operator is used because all conditions in that statement should be true in order to return 2
return 2;
else if ( a[0][2]=='O' && a[1][1]=='O' && a[2][0]=='O') //this condition checks the values in diagonal boxes
return 2; //it the above statement is true it returns value 2
int win1() //a funtion which declares the winning of player 1 and returns 0 if any condition in condition1() is true.
if(condition1()==1) //selection statement used to tets the conidition1() function
printf("\n\n\nCongratulations...!!! Player 1 is the WINNER...!!!\n\n"); //winning declaration printing
return 0;
int win2() //a funtion which declares the winning of player 2 and returns 0 if any condition in condition2() is true.
if(condition2()==2) //selection statement used to tets the conidition2() function
printf("\n\n\nCongratulations...!!! Player 2 is the WINNER...!!!\n\n\n"); //winning declaration printing
return 0;
void toe() //void function used which returns nothing. It is just printed to tell the user about the box number for selection
printf("\n\t\t\t 1 | 2 | 3 \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t 4 | 5 | 6 \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t 7 | 8 | 9 \n\t\t\t | | \n\n\n");
void print1() //a funtion which when user enter the box number print the value in selected box according to the user selection
printf("\a\a\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t___|___|___\n\t\t\t %c | %c | %c \n\t\t\t | | \n\n\n\a\a",a[0][0],a[0][1],a[0][2],a[1][0],a[1][1],a[1][2],a[2][0],a[2][1],a[2][2]);
void design()
// char *pt1,*pt2; //pointers which gets the address of character and pass it to the s1 and s2
// pt1=st.s1; //assigning the pointer 1 to an array object of data structure
// pt2=st.s2; //assigning the pointer 2 to an array object of data structure
name(st.s1,st.s2); //name function declared above is called here
system("cls"); // screen clearing
for ( i=1 ; i<10 ; i++ ) //simple for loop from 1 to 9
phir: //reference name for goto statement
toe(); //toe funtion made above is called here
if(i%2==1) //selection statement which select the player's turn. if remainder of any value of i and 2 is 1 then it's player one's turn otherwise it's player 2's turn
printf(" %s's Turn : ",st.s1); //if i%2 gives remainder 1 then name of player 1 is used
printf(" %s's Turn : ",st.s2); //if i%2==1 is false then player 2's turn is announced
st.ch = ( getche()-48 ); //this gets an integer input from user in box and print it as character
if ( st.ch<0 || st.ch>9 ) //check condition which checks if value enetered by user is greater than 9 or lesser than zero then next block is printed otherwise next block is skipped
printf("\n\n\nYou have chosen wrong block...!!!\n\n\n"); //if selected box by user is less than 0 and greater than 9 then it prints that the user has choosen wrong box.
system("pause"); //to pause the program
system("cls"); //to clear the screen
goto phir; //goto statement which goes to phir declared above and check all the condition above again
switch(st.ch) //switch selection statement
case 1 : // in switch selection statement we use cases for checking conditions
if(a[0][0]=='X' || a[0][0]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); //print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 1
case 2 : //2nd possibility of value enetered by user
if(a[0][1]=='X' || a[0][1]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 2
case 3 : //3rd possibility of value enetered by user
if(a[0][2]=='X' || a[0][2]=='O') //checks value enetered in 1x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if(i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[0][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[0][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 3
case 4 : //fourth possibility of value enetered by user
if( a[1][0]=='X' || a[1][0]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 4
case 5 : //fifth possibility of value enetered by user
if( a[1][1]=='X' || a[1][1]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 5
case 6 : //sixth possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[1][2]=='X' || a[1][2]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 2x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[1][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[1][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 6
case 7 : //7th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][0]=='X' || a[2][0]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x1 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][0]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][0]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 7
case 8 : //8th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][1]=='X' || a[2][1]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x2 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][1]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][1]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 8
case 9 : //9th possibility of value enetered by user
if ( a[2][2]=='X' || a[2][2]=='O' ) //checks value enetered in 3x3 by user
filled(); // checks weather the box is filled or not
break; //break statement used to terminate filled funtion
if (i%2==1) // player 1 selection...if i%2 gives remainder 1 then it is player 1's turn otherwise player 2's turn
a[2][2]='X'; //enter X character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win1(); //checks the condition that player 1 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 1
else //if above if condition is false this else condition is used
a[2][2]='O'; //enter O character in place of integer
print1(); // print the game box which helps the user for selecting box number
win2(); //checks the condition that player 2 wins or not
system("pause"); //system funtion used to pause
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
break; //break statement for player 2
break; //break statement for case 9
void gameloading()
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
int length_of_loading_bar=0,timer=0; //initializing the length of bar for delay and timer for the speed of delaying
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t GaMe iS LoAdInG..."); //Loading indication
printf("\n\t\t\t ");
for(length_of_loading_bar=0;length_of_loading_bar<20;length_of_loading_bar++) //loop for the horizontal length of bar
for(timer=0;timer<10000000;timer++); //semi colon is used bcoz we don't want to print anything vertically instead we want to count time...here we are using loop as counter
printf("%c",182); //special symbol askey value 182 is used for 19 times printing of special symbol
printf("\n"); //to print on new line
system("cls"); //for clearing screen
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